7 urgent issues that we, as people of faith, must come together and solve
a book review by Marlene Luartes,
as presented in WorldMovers Sunday School class
Is the Religious Right really dead? Ever since the Moral Majority was founded in 1979 the liberal media and liberal Christians have been proclaiming the death of the religious Right. While some in the liberal press continue to pen eulogies for our movement, the major story still is being missed: the religious Right is not fading away; it is transforming, broadening its base and its focus, sharpening its arguments, and honing its tactics for a new generation of cultural engagement.
To successfully navigate the transformation: 1. We must keep the core values that have defined the movement: the sanctity of life, the defense of marriage and religious liberty. 2. We must also reshape the message and agenda to include others; such as immigration, poverty, the environment and racial reconciliation.
God has a plan for our nation, which begins with the principles of Scripture, requires involvement of the church, and will be empowered by the Holy Spirit. But many in the secular community will also embrace this approach for America because of its fairness, simplicity and clarity. The issues are:
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Rev. Harry Jackson, Jr. author |
Value human life, both abroad in our wars against terrorism, and at home.
Reform immigration policy.
Reduce poverty and ensure justice, including health care.
Cultivate racial harmony and diversity.
Protect religious freedom.
Restore marriage and family. Care for creation.
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Tony Perkins author |
Who is the religious Right? All different races, cultures, ages and religions…”values voters”. America wants moral values in their public policies—a common morality based on the Christian faith. Many paint the religious Right as the aggressor, assaulting the freedoms of a secular culture, with a driving desire for power, wishing to establish a theocracy. However, it’s made up of people who are concerned over government policy and cultural initiatives that were being influenced and shaped by a worldview that was radically secular and hostile toward the Christian faith.
Reacting to aggression of the Left, and to organizations that were formed: the ACLU, 1920; Americans United for Separation of Church and State, 1947; and to many court decisions (p. 18-19), the following were founded: the Moral Majority, 1979; the Family Research Council, 1983; and the Christian Coalition, 1989.
The church isn’t called to be a mouthpiece for a political party, but a moral voice to the nation; and the public role of Christians is to be a sort of moral conscience to society.
To regain our voice, we should ask collective forgiveness for: aligning too closely with one party, failing to show a unified church, and being silent on matters concerning the poor. Christians are called to perform a ‘prophetic’ role in modern day culture—we should act and believe as though each one of us has a prophetic assignment to the nation that begins right where we live and work. We must live right, do right, move right, pray right and speak right. Pray for revival in the church...and when revival becomes reformation, the personal becomes public.
Core Value #1 The Value of Life
Part 1—Terrorism, War & the Sword. A ‘just war’ fights terrorism, defends innocent life. We cannot rely solely on our military to fight Islam.
Part 2—Abortion, Cloning, Stem Cell Research, Child Abuse & Neglect, Elder Care, Euthanasia, Slavery & Sex Trafficking, Capital Punishment
Core Value #2 Immigration—The New Slavery
They recommend seven major facets of immigration reform:
1. Enforcing security at our borders.
2. Facilitating assimilation.
3. Recommending source country reform.
4. Establishing a “families-first” approach that includes permanent anchor baby reform.
5. Curtailing chain migration.
6. Sponsoring guest workers.
7. Negotiating third-country resettlement.
Core Value #3 Poverty & Justice
Part 1—Slashing Poverty (PR problem for the religious Right). The working poor need to be directed into life skills and practices to help escape the intergenerational trap of lack. Those in abject poverty, those too young, too old or handicapped, need immediate to long-term help. They talk about the reasons for poverty (p. 103) and the ways it can best be remedied. Mt 25:34-36 (p. 117)
Part 2—Health Care Reform. Goals we agree with (p. 124) Problems (p. 125). We need personal accountability for our health.
Core Value #4 Racial Reconciliation
Moving together, realizing the equality of believers...our brotherhood. (p. 138, top par.) The church can change America...but we must first change the church. Our unity could very well transform our nation!
Core Value #5 Religious Liberties
Cross Purposes, the shaping of public policy
Core Value #6 Rebuilding the Family
Part 1—The New Configuration. Everyone recognizes that in certain ways the institution of the family is fraying at the edges...but, there is also clear recognition today, perhaps more than at any other time in the past several decades, that marriage and family are fundamental to the future of our society. Young people today seem to be avoiding marriage, and there is increased cohabitation—still they’re more favorable to long term committed relationships. (p. 187, last par.)
Part 2—Fatherhood and Education (p. 189, 3rd par.) Nine dimensions to a father’s involvement (p. 190). To restore and assist fathers (p. 192). America’s educational policy should (p. 199) Strategic actions we recommend (p. 199, bottom).
Core Value #7 The Environment & Global Warming
Can We Beat the Heat? Our positions (p. 205, 2nd par.) Scientists are not the enemy. We are conservationists.
Conclusion: Taking the Land
What kind of government do you want? (p. 221, 3rd par.) (p. 222, 2nd par.) Biblical worldview defined (p. 224, 225)...and poll results!
If there’s one concept to grasp from the book: We must defend truth, but must defend it in love. The key to the religious Right’s success is unity in absolute truth. Moral relativism leads to disunity.
How to make a difference:
Pray: for revival, for community and country problems and needs. Make prayer a priority!
Prepare: Be ready for what God would have you to do.
Participate: Don’t just curse the darkness, turn on the light!
It’s ours to decide!
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