Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hot off the presses!

Following up on our Manhattan Declaration commitments and the discussion last Sunday in WorldMovers class, our own Steve Johnson had this letter published in yesterday's Star:

Planned Parenthood wants to punish babies

Re: the Aug. 22 letter to the editor, "Abortion cutbacks punish women."

Since the safety of women is the abortion machine's favorite smokescreen, wouldn't a bill forcing trained doctors to do the procedures offer the safest path for the "hundreds of women" seeking them? I know when I go in for a major surgery, I want a doctor holding the scalpel.

As for "religious fundamentalists" alleged to be behind this, 51 percent of Americans find abortion morally wrong, according to a May Gallup Poll (hardly a minority). Accusing legislators of being "happy anytime they can punish a woman for being pregnant" is ridiculous.

Planned Parenthood wants to punish the baby for a woman being pregnant.

Steve Johnson

Director of families, Dove Mountain Church, Oro Valley

(Should have read, as we know, Director of Family Discipleship;  but discipleship is a concept the Star would not understand).

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