Following up on our Manhattan Declaration commitments and the discussion last Sunday in WorldMovers class, our own Steve Johnson had this letter published in yesterday's Star:
Planned Parenthood wants to punish babies
Re: the Aug. 22 letter to the editor, "Abortion cutbacks punish women."
Since the safety of women is the abortion machine's favorite smokescreen, wouldn't a bill forcing trained doctors to do the procedures offer the safest path for the "hundreds of women" seeking them? I know when I go in for a major surgery, I want a doctor holding the scalpel.
As for "religious fundamentalists" alleged to be behind this, 51 percent of Americans find abortion morally wrong, according to a May Gallup Poll (hardly a minority). Accusing legislators of being "happy anytime they can punish a woman for being pregnant" is ridiculous.
Planned Parenthood wants to punish the baby for a woman being pregnant.
Steve Johnson
Director of families, Dove Mountain Church, Oro Valley
(Should have read, as we know, Director of Family Discipleship; but discipleship is a concept the Star would not understand).