Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, mi esposa!

Proverbs 18:22

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

I like this photo of Linda because one of the bravest things she has done in recent years was to accompany me on my "return to Hong Kong" trip in 2009. Here we are standing in front of the church I attended for the two years I was in Hong Kong.
I feel as though I have "dragged" dear Linda around a lot in our married life, and she has been an amazing good sport through it all. Last night, through the wonders of technology, we were able to simultaneously video chat with the two sons in Texas plus the son and grandchildren in Colorado while sitting in the room of my son here in Tucson. All three locations were on the screen at the same time! I credit Linda with the way these four young men have turned into responsible adults who love the Lord and have a great sense of humor!  
She is faithfully teaching five-year-olds today on her 65th birthday. We both plan to keep pursuing our calling to teach as long as we are physically able.  Happy birthday, dear Linda!  

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