Friday, June 25, 2010

The Power of Knowing

Inigo Montoya: You are wonderful.
Man in Black: Thank you; I've worked hard to become so.
Inigo Montoya: I admit it, you are better than I am.
Man in Black: Then why are you smiling?
Inigo Montoya: Because I know something you don't know.
Man in Black: And what is that?
Inigo Montoya: I... am not left-handed.
[Moves his sword to his right hand and gains an advantage]
Man in Black: You are amazing.
Inigo Montoya: I ought to be, after 20 years.
Man in Black: Oh, there's something I ought to tell you.
Inigo Montoya: Tell me.
Man in Black: I'm not left-handed either.
[Moves his sword to his right hand and regains his advantage]

The point that Pastor Allen was making at this point in his message last Sunday was that: because we get to benefit from the hindsight and foresight of prophets like Micah, we gain an amazing advantage over the "Babylonians" around us. Even when it looks as though they are winnng, God wins. Even when it looks as though we are losing, God wins.

This knowledge should fill us with joy, confidence, and holy boldness to do the works on Christ on earth.

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