Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WorldMovers update

A few people who were not able to be present Sunday for our inaugural session of the new WorldMovers Sunday School class have asked about subscription information. The single subscription price for our church's bulk order is $32.95, (compare to retail $49.95), and must be paid directly to Dove Mountain Church. I will be collecting subscription monies at each class session or you could mail your check directly to the church office (12475 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 101). Copies will be on the information table as you enter for worship on Sundays, with a post-it note identifying each subscriber's copy.

World is published bi-weekly. When each new issue arrives, we will discuss the cover article the next Sunday following the magazine's arrival, and then choose one additional article for the following Sunday. I will, from time to time, publish comments here in the blog relevant to our class discussions. For example, tomorrow.


  1. Your new template looks great, Tom. I am surprised you chose it too.

  2. J,

    AS you can see, I did tire of it rather quickly. Let's see how long this one will last.
