Friday, September 4, 2009

More about sanctification...

Before we leave the subject of sanctification (will we ever?) I want to plug a book recommended by my friend Jeremiah Richards, who teaches at Faith Community Academy and attends Sovereign Grace Church.

The Bookends of the Christian Life is an extended metaphor that Jerry Bridges has developed over the years, and which he and coauthor Bob Bevington amplify in this small volume. The two "bookends" explain not only how we as sinners can be made acceptable to a holy God but also how we can find the power to change. They are thus essential for the Christian life.

In a unique book that should garner the attention of a wide range of readers, the authors help readers answer questions like:

• How can I overcome persistent guilt?
• How can I deal with the pressure to measure up?
• Where can I find the motivation it takes to grow?
• How can I live the Christian life with both my head and my heart?
• How can I be sure God loves me?
• How can I change in an authentic and lasting way?

So what are the bookends of the Christian life? The first is Christ's righteousness transferred to dependent believers, and the second is the Holy Spirit's transformative power. All the "books" of our lives are held safe and secure between these two bookends.

Jeremiah adds, "There were many struggles I was facing as a Christian, that I was confused about. This book cut through the fog with Biblical truth. If you read this book, I am confident that you will have a greater peace and hope as you pursue Christ. You may end up as I have, saying, 'so that explains it'."

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