Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More on Torpor

In explaining "torpor," Pastor Allen quoted author and philosopher Peter Kreeft. Here is a section from his book, Christianity for Modern Pagans, in which he talks about the origins of the notion of torpor:

"The word 'boredom' does not exist in any language. It first appears in the seventeenth century. No one knows its origin.

Since we always invent words for things we experience, it follows that this is a new experience. Until modern times, it seems people simply were not bored - that is bored in general, bored with life. Of course they tired of a particular task, like cutting wood for ten hours.

The closest thing to it in the Middle Ages is anomie, or acedia, the deadly sin of sloth, spiritual torpitude, lack of care and passion and joy in the face of spiritual good, indifference to our eternal destiny. It is 'deadly,' or 'mortal': it kills souls."

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